The significance of lighting in commercial architecture

Every business will be thinking about how they can make sure their workforce is productive. They need to provide a number of things to ensure this can happen. That includes the right tech and suitable spaces. On top of this, every piece of commercial architecture needs to have the right lighting. It is a significant contributor to mood, wellbeing, and productivity.

Focusing on the task

The thing to keep in mind is that the right type of light can allow people to focus on their tasks. On the other hand, the wrong lighting can be a big distraction. What you want is to get the balance right. It should not be blinding but it also must not be so dim that people need to strain their eyes.


Commercial architectureThis is one of the most important things to consider. It measures how much light actually strikes a surface. In commercial settings it can be crucial. You may think your lights are giving out the right amount of lighting but it may not actually be getting to desks and other surfaces where it needs to be. Or, it could be that the colour and finish of the surfaces makes them seem too bright. To determine this you need to know the lux.

Different areas

It is also a good idea to keep in mind that different parts of the building will need specific light levels. For example it will need to be much brighter in a workshop than it would have to be in a stairwell. Areas like break rooms and the cafeteria can have lower light levels to help the eyes relax.

Invest wisely

Commercial lighting solutions are more costly than domestic ones because of the scale of the installations. However, a wise investment up front can provide long term benefits. For example you could choose highly efficient lights that will last a long time and require very little maintenance. There are also lots of options that are energy efficient, including LEDs.

Talk to us about lighting in commercial architecture

At Coffey Architects we know how vital lighting is in any kind of property. However, it has extra significance in commercial ones because it can facilitate or inhibit performance. We want to help clients to ensure their buildings do the former rather than the latter.

You can get a better look at some of the workplaces we have worked on by browsing our website. Then, if you have any questions or want to present your ideas to us, you can get in touch.