The right way to design an art gallery

Our architectural firm strives to help clients with everything they need. In order to make this happen, we have to provide a diverse collection of services. One of these is designing the best commercial architecture in the UK. Our portfolio includes a diverse array of projects, from offices to work on galleries.

Commercial architectureArt gallery design in particular is a difficult job. The ways we design galleries influence how visitors visually perceive and spatially navigate them. In addition, they can have a big impact on the economic success of a gallery. For instance, one part of your space could be at the end of a corridor that looks foreboding. It might even be poorly lit. In both situations, the art put here may not get that much attention. So, don’t expect it to sell any time soon.

What you need to do is design the gallery based on the quantity of raw space you have. You also need to think about the character the space must display and the types of art you are going to showcase.

Major features

You also need to incorporate major features. This could include things such as floating walls, the lounge, reception area, and art storage area. You should draw them on your sketches. This gives you the chance to play around with the bigger features and their placements. The latter, as well as your gallery’s space needs, will influence how people look at and move through the property.


Think about how you want people to flow too. Sketch some arrows revealing the route you want the art gallery visitors to take. Alter the placement of crucial features if you need to. For instance, you could position the office desk in the middle of your longest wall. This will disrupt the path people shall want to take from one end of your long wall to the other however. It is best to try something else.

Ask us about designing different types of commercial architecture

At Coffey Architects, we give clients assurances that their commercial projects are in the best of hands. We will help you with everything from planning applications to project management. Our team is even capable of helping you with development branding should you need it.

So, if you would like help designing successful commercial architecture, please get in touch with us. You can also learn more on our website; there are details about us, our team, and our projects.