The advantages of architectural borrowing

Over billions of years, natural organisms have evolved and developed survival characteristics that enable them to exist in their environment. Recent years have seen the pursuit of sustainability in architecture, and architects across the world are striving to translate the power of adaptability and evolution to the design process.

The architectural world is now focused on bringing together contemporary design, ethical architectural practice and environmental awareness. The way that people interact with their surroundings has a major influence on architectural design, and a great deal of architectural projects today focus on creating flexible spaces that blur the edges between natural and specifically constructed space. For example, many properties feature unrefined natural materials, or expansive areas of glass to visually remove the separation between the interior of the property and the world outside.

Renovation is proving immensely popular as more and more people are modifying their properties to suit their needs rather than moving to a new place. Our Borrow House projects involved renovating and extending different properties to create entirely new living spaces that are supported by their surroundings. A small garden was altered by reducing the height of the fence, thus borrowing from the garden trees and plants of the neighbouring properties. This served to squeeze space from the surrounding environment to offer a comfortable space for summer relaxation.

Our second Borrow House project involved the renovation of an apartment to allow sunlight to flood through a thin roof skin and offer unobstructed views. The aim of the built home in this case was to borrow from the surrounding nature and the grand features of the buildings in close proximity.

The objective of flexible design is to create and effect change in the way buildings relate to their surrounding structures and natural environment. The beauty of residential and commercial architecture is that no standard model or design exists. Each project is unique and dictated by the local needs, conditions and priorities.