The best new libraries in the world

AR is celebrating new libraries (as well as other buildings for books) this year and will give an award to the best design. They have a shortlist of the 15 most exciting and creative buildings built from January 2013. The properties are from all over the world, ranging from London to Australia. The designs are stunning examples of public and commercial architecture. Continue reading

Making yours a green office

It may be because you’re expanding your operations or you might be starting from scratch. Whatever the case, every company needs a suitable space to operate from. This is where we come in. Our establishment is the leading specialist for commercial architecture London has. We can assist you in creating something that suits your needs. Continue reading

Key aspects to remember with commercial architecture

Coffey Architects is a team known for creating amazing spaces through innovative commercial architecture. In order to achieve great results from your project, there are various things to remember. This allows for a modern and flexible space suitable for today’s workforce. Whether it is a new build or a development for your existing property, you need to think about different elements with care. Continue reading

The most important design considerations for parking structures

The best thing about the architecture profession is that no two projects are the same. Something is always present that makes each one unique. This inspires us to find equally distinct ways of completing our work. We could be working on a commercial architecture project or a home. Either way we want to design something that ticks every box.

You may be in the process of designing a parking or mixed-use structure. There are several details you need to consider here. This will ensure the aesthetic appeal, functionality, and safety of these spaces.


The most important factor you must consider is the people. Your building might not attract anyone. If it doesn’t, the technical details won’t matter. Parking is about people, not their cars. Well-planned spaces can amplify a locale’s general experience. Car parks are normally the first thing visitors look at on arrival. It’s also the last when they leave. Unpleasant designs shall make them think twice about returning.

Is everything secure?

Safety and security are also huge concerns, especially with commercial architecture. People may be walking alone in the area at various times of day and night. As a result, you have to introduce security into each element of the planning and designing. This will also help to protect the vehicles.

Is it sustainable?

Another area you need to look at is sustainability. These design practices permit you to create resource-efficient buildings that will help the environment. By nature, parking is sustainable because you can use the land more efficiently. You can meet the parking demands by utilising a mere fraction of the room of a surface lot.

At Coffey Architects, we make certain that we include all the crucial elements on a project. In addition, we try to make improvements to plans at every given opportunity. By discussing your intentions with us, we can look at things from different angles. This is great for commercial architecture, homes and other buildings.

If you would like to work with us, please give our team a call. You can also have a look at some of our work if you visit our website.