Inspiring people to attend Sixth Form

Commercial architectureWe are a team that commits to building unique pieces of commercial architecture. In addition, we work on numerous other kinds of structures. No matter what their needs are and regardless of how grand they may be, we always give our clients 100%. We are creative, thoughtful, and able to tackle most challenges. As a reputable, award winning company, each client can rely on us.

For every student that chooses to go to Sixth Form, a school gains funding. Therefore, schools must inspire their students to attend. The question here is how they compete with other options. For example, colleges provide a different experience to Sixth Form. The environment is more informal. They also tend to have modern facilities. Plus, colleges have more courses on offer. Usually, Sixth Forms are within the school’s grounds too. It is more of a continuation of the school experience.

Make the right design choices

In order to make a Sixth Form an inspiring place to attend, you need to design it in certain ways. Below, you can find ideas that you can use if you are planning on building one in the future.

Study booths

One idea would be to introduce study booths as they are perfect for single and group study. They can also cancel out surrounding noise. Design them with contemporary fabrics so they stand out and feel comfortable.


Moving on to the dining facilities, it can be a good idea to create separate areas to the rest of the school. A space with coffee shop type facilities is a good idea. They can encourage socialising as well as study.

Differentiate with style and colour

You should also introduce different styles and colour without going over-budget. You can adapt the style of the building and the colours to make it feel very different to being in other parts of the school. This can transform the atmosphere.

Work with us to create your dream commercial architecture

At Coffey Architects, we showcase our care and commitment on every single project. Unlike some companies, you won’t be one job among many; we will give you support and attention you need at every stage of the project. We also constantly strive to surpass expectations and ensure that clients enjoy the results.

So, if you require our aid, please contact our firm. You can talk to us about any type of commercial architecture, public buildings, or homes. We have the skills to design anything you can dream of.