The World Architectural Festival (WAF) Awards is one of the highlights of the year in the architectural sector. The 2015 event is being held in Singapore and will welcome professionals from all around the world. Over 750 entries are expected, broken down into 31 different categories. Each project will be judged by a specialist panel to determine the winners in each category. These will go on to be judged a second time to determine who wins the awards for World Landscape, Future Project and Building of the Year. Smaller prizes will also be offered for the best small projects, the best use of wood and use of colour.
The last year has been a vibrant one for both residential and commercial architecture and has seen countless stunning projects being completed. The success of the sector has made it incredibly difficult to get an early idea of which projects stand a good chance of winning, which makes the competition even more exciting.
Entries are open now, but must be completed by May 22nd. Shortlisting will take place in June to give the judges enough time to decide which projects they feel should move on to the next stage. With a high number of entries expected, this could take some time. The Awards will take place from the 4th to the 6th of November with category prize winners announced on the opening two days and the third day set aside for the biggest awards and prize presentations.
The WAF event always brings up some surprises and is a fantastic opportunity for architects to make a big impression on the sector. New talents can quickly make their mark and stand alongside established giants of the architect profession. Last year the winner of the Completed Building of the Year was a small practice in Vietnam called a21.
At Coffey Architects we are excited about the awards and having the chance to see some incredible commercial architecture projects from all around the world. We’ll be waiting patiently to see which designs get selected. In the meantime if you’re planning a project and want help from a talented architect in London, we would be happy to help you – just get in touch to discuss your requirements with us.