One of the most challenging parts of designing commercial architecture is deciding how it should fit in its surroundings. You will have to think about whether you want it to stand out or blend in. However, this may not be a simple choice. There could be a number of factors you need to think about.
Why make it stand out?
The goal with designing a commercial building that stands out is it grabs attention. This can be really useful if you want to promote your brand. It can also provide an advantage over competitors; people will be more likely to choose you if they are drawn to the building because of the architecture.
Why blend in?
In some cases blending in is the best option. Your building may be in an area with a strong character, whether it is historical buildings or a cultural location. If you design something that does not fit in with this it will look out of place. You may even struggle to get permission for the project. There are many examples of local opposition putting a stop to developments because they don’t fit in with an area.
What to do?
Before you start designing you should take a close look at the area. Take a note of what the other buildings look like and whether this will influence your choices. It may be that you will need to choose similar materials for your building. For example, selecting the same kind of stone can work really well.
If you do need to make the building blend in, it doesn’t mean you should choose the exact same design as other properties. Instead what you should do is opt for subtle accents that are not obtrusive. There are plenty of options here, including cladding.
It is also a good idea to think about the space around your building. The right landscaping here can help to make the building fit into its surroundings. Or, you could use it to make another great statement about your business.
Another thing to keep in mind is that even if you have to be careful with the exterior, you can still be really creative with the interior. You could make the building blend in to its surroundings from the outside but make it so it feels like a different world once people step inside. Be creative with the layout, decor, and more.
Ask us about commercial architecture
Coffey Architects can help to make every commercial project a success. We have a lot of experience, including work on both large and small premises. More importantly, we have worked in various locations across the UK and beyond. In each case we look at the area to ensure the design is perfect.
So, if you have any ideas for commercial architecture and want our help, please get in touch. Working with us is a great experience and we deliver beautiful buildings every time.