Creating the perfect commercial interior

Commercial architectureFor commercial architecture to be successful it needs to tick all the right boxes. For one the buildings need to look fantastic. This can help to build the reputation of the business.

In addition, the interior must be great to look at and allow the various functions. Designers can also be really creative here to stimulate inhabitants and impress visitors. Below are some of the top tips for creating incredible interiors.

Real life

The best spaces fit how people plan to use them. Function should always be the main focus here. There will be some elements that are fixed but you can work to incorporate them into a design and layout that works. Think about what people need on daily basis and ensure you provide that. Never choose a design or layout that makes it difficult to do the jobs they need to each day.


You can use many different materials in your interior. Whatever you choose, always opt for quality. A material will always have a better look and feel when it is higher quality. That does not mean you always need to pay top prices for everything. Instead, inspect each material to test how good it is. In addition, think about things like longevity.

Layers of detail

Every interior should have a concept. You can have it as the main focus and then add extra layers to support and enhance this. A strategy like this is a good way to break up spaces to suit different functions while also maintaining an overall style and look. What you want to do is ensure that all the various elements work together to improve the space as a whole. As a result you may need to look at it and decide if there is too much of one thing or if you have a good balance.

Authenticity and uniqueness

The interior of a piece of commercial architecture should be as authentic and unique as the business. Make the design personal, all the way down to the style of furnishings, decor, and focal points like art and items on display. You can be quirky if you want to make spaces more interesting.


It is also a good idea to think about how the interior can celebrate the heritage of your business. Be proud of your history and use it to add even more to the design.

Talk to us about commercial architecture

Coffey Architects is a wonderful company with a real passion for helping businesses to design the best spaces. We get to know the client and exactly what they have in mind. A big part of this is exploring exactly what employees will need from each space. We also think long term so a building won’t need a big remodel every time there is a little change in needs.

If you want to learn more about the workspaces we design you can browse our website. There are a number of great projects to have a look at. In addition, you can contact us to speak about any ideas you may have. From small spaces to massive commercial buildings, we can design something exceptional for you.