Category Archives: Blog Entry

Meeting the demands of commercial architecture

In the world of commercial architecture it is important to be considerate to the practical and ergonomic use of the building as it is to be sensitive to the aesthetic appearance of it, just as one would with a residential property. When it comes to a building that companies are to conduct business in, the outlay and style must be conducive to the practicalities of work as well as being a pleasant, pleasing place to work. Coffey architects are renowned and recognized for bringing all of these vital elements and qualities to their work. Continue reading

Commercial architecture has a long history

A peculiar dilemma facing the world of commercial architecture in the 21st Century is how best to retain a sense of the traditions and history of the area and surroundings of a modern design, delivering in the end a balance between a striking, bold and inspiring structure that does not seem out of place in or forced on its surrounding area. It takes a rather special, precious talent to be able to – time and again – have the vision, flair and natural skills to be able to achieve this. Continue reading

Providing excellent services in residential architecture across London

Such is the level of reverence and respect the city is held in – as much worldwide as it is nationally – many assume that the potential for residential architecture London has is limited, is not non-existent. Whilst it is true that few would wish to harm the appearance of this great city, many overlook that it is the vibrancy of the changing dynamics of its appearance to reflect periods in history which so endears London in hearts and minds. Continue reading