Category Archives: Blog Entry

The award winning Science Museum and Hidden House designs

In previous articles we have written about our projects with the Dana Research Centre at the Science Museum and Hidden House. Both were recently added to the shortlists for RIBA London awards and we were very excited about awards night. This excitement reached new levels when it was revealed we had won an award. It was completely blown away when we won a second. This became our third after the RIBA East one we received.   Continue reading

The LAF 2017 has the largest calendar of events ever

The time for the London Festival of Architecture 2017 is fast approaching. It will be held from the 1st to the 30th June, providing a full month of events. Whether you want a chance to take a walking tour of commercial architecture, plan to visit the wonderful exhibitions, or want to attend a talk or conference, there is plenty to choose from. Many studios will be opened so you can get an inside look into their work too. Continue reading

The record breaking RIBA 2017 London Regional Awards shortlist

RIBA (Royal Institute of British Architects) recently published the shortlist for the 2017 London Regional Awards. The list includes an incredible 85 projects scattered all across the capital. This is an increase of 17 over 2016, setting a new record. The diversity of the works is also more astonishing than ever. Residential, public and commercial architecture are all represented, showcasing the depth of skills and creativity in the industry. Continue reading