Category Archives: Blog Entry

What does the future hold for expanded polystyrene (EPS)?

Polystyrene is one of the most interesting materials in the world. It dates back to 1929 and has many uses today in packaging, construction, and more. EPS in particular has a lot of different applications in buildings. We want to take a close look at this and how innovations can make it even more useful in the future. Then, if you need help with commercial architecture, housing, or other projects, we can help. Continue reading

Why do we use stair-nosing?

Commercial architectureLike with building a new home, designing commercial architecture also demands much planning. What you are trying to do here is provide an adequate space for employees. At the same time, you need to impress potential and existing clients. With the aid of our team, you can accomplish both. From planning to construction, we will work closely with you so you’ll meet all your goals. Continue reading

Don’t let your street lights cause excess light pollution

Light pollution is a big problem in various parts of the world. It can have an impact on our health and wellbeing, harm animals, and damage the environment. Sadly, a lot of the light is not even necessary and is a waste of resources. Some little changes can make all the difference though, especially for street lights around commercial architecture. Let’s look at what you could do to improve your lighting. Continue reading

Pavilions and how they enhance cities

In 2024, well over 4 billion people live in cities. Urban populations are rising around the world too, with estimates saying they will account for 70% of humans by 2050. With that in mind, it is absolutely crucial to consider land use carefully. The goal should be to avoid creating massive sprawling concrete jungles that have a negative impact on the planet as well as our health and wellbeing. To do that, we need to look at everything from housing to commercial architecture, parks to transport hubs. It is also a good idea to consider the worth and value of pavilions. Continue reading

Are there new conventions for commercial architecture?

One of the greatest things about human society is that we rarely rest on our laurels. Conventions can come and go, changing how we do all kinds of tasks as we advance. This means things like efficiency and safety are always improving. We’re at a time now where commercial architecture needs to evolve. We want to look at this today and how some key factors are now vital for buildings to be a success. Continue reading