Break room ideas you can’t ignore

We are an award winning team of architectural experts. Our job is to work with clients to bring their projects to fruition. Commercial architecture is a particular speciality of ours. Using what we know, we can create the ideal business premises for every client that comes to us.

Commercial architectureThe break room might not be where you make the big money. However, it is certainly one of the most important spaces in a commercial building. This is a spot where employees can rest and recharge between their tasks. It can make a substantial difference in their lives.

Actually, according to research, 94% of employees are more content when they are able to take breaks during the day. As a result, it is always a good idea for employers to encourage their workers to take some downtime. A happy employee will definitely be more productive than an unsatisfied one.

If you want to give your workers a break room where they can relax, a makeover may be required. Read on to find out some of the ideas we have for designing these spaces.


To start with, you should separate it from the rest of the space. Those who are on their break could distract the people still working and vice versa if you don’t. A lack of separation can also mean that people can’t fully detach from their job while on the breaks. As a result, they may not be as beneficial as they would be if they can completely step away.

Separating the spaces can be somewhat tricky if you have an open floor plan with your commercial architecture. Consider employing dividers, curtains, or barriers. It can help you get the best results for all sides, including people on breaks and those still working.


Another tip we have is to offer entertainment. It is often easier to relax when there is a distraction. Think about getting some board games, a television, or a gaming system. All these can work wonders at getting the mind off of working for a short period. It can mean people are re-energised when they go back to it.

Adding a library

You could also add a library. It could be that you favour a more productive entertainment choice than games and TV. If this is the case, try adding a few bookshelves to the break room. Make sure there is a plethora of styles and genres to accommodate differing tastes. The library could become one of the main talking points of your commercial architecture.


Keep some extra furniture available too. You want people to be able to relax in comfort. Plus, chances are the break room will double as a hosting space for special occasions. So, you need enough tables, chairs, sofas, and the like. Consider options that are easy to store as well.


Next, you can try decorating the walls. Fun paintings and bright colours can liven break rooms up considerably. Something else you can use is chalkboard paint on the wall. Encourage people to explore their artistic side. They can make contributions to the decorations themselves and it can evolve over time.

Keep changing it

Last but not least, you should change things up. Keep details interesting in the break room and make changes every so often. A good example would be changing decorations for holidays or events to help get everyone in the mood.

Don’t compromise your designs with commercial architecture

At Coffey Architects, our portfolio includes a considerable amount of work on commercial projects. Our team has participated in the creation of libraries, galleries, offices, and more. We can design brand new HQs or redesign existing spaces. Whatever the case, the results will be exceptional.

So, if you need help with commercial architecture, we can provide it. Get in touch today to find out how we can support you.