Producing flow in a multi-level workspace

We have an impressive portfolio that includes all kinds of building styles. With commercial architecture, it includes the concept design and construction of gallery spaces. There are also office fit outs, and much more. In order to make everything function properly, we work close with the clients. This is the ideal way for us to meet all their specifications.

The most successful work areas are those that produce a clear flow of people and ideas. They allow for effortless and spontaneous collaboration. In addition, they make it easier for clients and occupants to experience the corporate culture. But it can be hard to achieve this can for work areas that occupy several levels. Thankfully, we are here to offer our advice. Read on to discover some of the strategies you can use to get the best results.

Activate spaces

Commercial architectureOne thing you can do is activate the client spaces. A bustling reception space provides visitors with a picture of the company’s culture. At the same time, it offers occupants a welcoming setting to converse and dwell.

The idea here is to produce inclusive locales. These are ones which blend client reception with destination cultural spaces and informal work space. This is one of the ways to activate the area and enable clients to feel like they are part of the corporate culture.

Make moving enjoyable

You can also make moving through your space enjoyable. The active design principles tell us that individuals are more likely to use the stairs if they enjoy it. By encouraging them to do it they can enjoy health benefits. In addition, they give you more chances for spontaneous idea sharing and collaboration. You could miss this otherwise.

To create this effect, you need to make sure the stairs are central. You also have to place them prominently, and make the staircase wide enough to let conversations happen easily. A visual connection between the spaces and ample stair landing between floors can augment the experience too.

The best resource for your commercial architecture

At Coffey Architects, we can help clients who want to work on both single and multi-storey buildings. We shall talk things over with you to find out what it is you want to do and what options would be best. Once this is done, we can begin with the design and construction processes. Then it is just a matter of time before they have the perfect building.

So, if you would like to work with us to create or improve a piece of commercial architecture, you can contact our firm. We would love to hear about your ideas and how you want to present your brand.