Commercial architecture is more important to get right than its residential counterpart. After all, this type of structure must impress everyone who visits it. That includes clients as well as potential business partners. Thankfully, you have one of the top architectural firms here to assist you.
Green design is more than simply you using energy efficient materials. It also includes you opting for systems and products with a light footprint on the environment. This is over the full life cycle. Therefore, you have to think of green design as a procedure. You can’t merely have it as a goal. Such an approach will enable you to conduct a better evaluation of a product’s environmental issues. You can also do the same for its societal and economic impacts.
Don’t limit yourself
There are some people who solely evaluate products in relation to waste disposal. This is much too narrow. The use phase of a product can make up 90% of its influence on the environment at most. What you should do is look at the myriad of influences and factors of a product’s effect on society. Then, you should contrast them to the product’s performance.
A systems approach permits you to ascertain the environmental effect of a product. This is in terms of energy consumption at every phase of the life cycle.
Incorporate it into the design
For commercial architecture, energy efficiency and environmental considerations must be part of the building design. They have to be part of the purchasing criteria as well. You must also balance this with other vital criteria. Examples include availability, performance, price, and product safety.
Speak to us about commercial architecture
At Coffey Architects, we make sure our teams attend to any environmental issues present in a project. We will do this for all projects, from office blocks to shops and homes too. Our aim is to make sure the project is green and has a positive impact.
If you want to work with us, please get in touch. We can give you more advice and move your project forward.