Thanks to the efforts of our highly talented team, Coffey Architects has completed a myriad of projects for clients who are not only based in London, but all over the world too. Your project may be big or it may be on the small side but regardless, we will go the extra mile to ensure it comes to fruition.
We might be concerned about the environment more now than ever before, but that hasn’t prevented people from erecting buildings and other structures, commercial or otherwise. For quite some time, green construction tended to be limited to regular housing and it could be rather expensive or even impractical. However, in today’s world, constructing green can save a company a great deal of money over time.
When it comes to the actual advances in green architecture, the systems and structures aren’t the only things that are considered. There exists some lower-tech ways to make a building more green, both inside and out. Hanging gardens for example aren’t anything new but they’ve just been aesthetically pleasing in the past, as opposed to being practical. When you install them outside of a structure, they can reduce heating costs by boosting insulation.
Living walls, also called biowalls, reflect solar radiation, absorb rainwater that would be runoff otherwise, and enhance air quality by absorbing oxygen and releasing carbon dioxide. Quite a lot of businesses have incorporated the living wall idea indoors and while they don’t bestow all the same benefits here, purifying the air is still an option. Not to mention, if a few simple plants can lighten your mood, then just think about what a wall of exquisite greenery can do.
At Coffey Architects, we go out of our way to see that your project takes shape in the precise manner that you wish it to. We are passionate about both residential and commercial architecture and can enhance all kinds of designs. Many people have come to us in the past and we’ve always come through for them. We can do the same for you too.
If we can assist you with anything, please get in contact with us. We can discuss your ideas with you and offer recommendations, helping to bring something extra out of your design. Ultimately we want the property to tick all of the right boxes, satisfying the developer, the owner, the inhabitants, and the environment too.