Does your commercial architecture enhance performance?

There are a huge array of different things businesses can do to improve performance, including making sure that all of their capital works effectively for them. When considering this the main focus will typically be on the workforce and equipment that is being used. Something that should not be ignored though is the effectiveness of the property itself.

The commercial architecture of workspaces can either be a help or hindrance to businesses. In the best situation it will allow people to do their job effectively, keeping them motivated and enhancing their performance. On the other hand though it can create restrictions and problems including making it difficult to work and communicate.

When looking to make the most of capital inspecting the commercial architecture and making important changes to it can provide big rewards. It is surprising how good the effect of just a few little improvements can be. Something simple like improving the amount of natural light allowed to enter a space or making it more open can provide wonderful benefits.

If you do decide to look at the architecture of the workspace there are a few things you should keep in mind throughout. The most essential of these is to think about what the inhabitants of each space within the property will need. With this knowledge you can see how well the current design performs and get a good idea of what changes will be needed.

At Coffey Architects we have a lot of experience with commercial architecture and have had the honour of being invited to take on some high profile redevelopment and refurbishment projects. We understand that the needs of the workforce can change dramatically over time and how easy it is to outgrow a space. With our help you can evaluate it and come up with a new design.

Our approach to design is to work closely with clients and assist them with exploring different options. We will offer recommendations throughout and apply the extensive knowledge we have accumulated to great effect. Our focus will always be on providing the best results for you.

If you have any questions about how improving commercial architecture can benefit your business please contact us.