More and more projects today combine different types of space on a single plot. For example, you may have a mixed use building with retail space and some housing. Or you could have offices, leisure, and industrial facilities. One example of this is known as planned unit development. We want to take a closer look at it today, then if you are planning a commercial architecture project, you can rely on us.
What is it?
The PUD concept originates from New York in the 1920s. What it does is allow developers to redefine the land use in a specific area. As a result, it can be used for different things rather than being just for housing or business use. PUDs became very popular in America after WWII in response to a need to increase density in suburban areas. Allowing multiple separate uses of land in an area meant that locations could combine residential, commercial, and industrial needs.
A similar idea to PUDs became popular in England in the 50s. The idea here was for towns to improve their local economies by allowing the integration of industrial and commercial elements to residential areas.
The advantages
This kind of approach can offer a surprising number of benefits. In general it can allow more flexible use of land and lead to creative solutions for different locations. More importantly, it can lead to commercial architecture, homes, industrial space, landscaping and more to suit the needs of various stakeholders.
One of the biggest benefits though is it can create fantastic communities. It can ensure spaces have a really good mix of amenities, including outdoor space. That can encourage socialising with neighbours. People can also live close to where they work, giving them a better work/life balance.
This kind of strategy can also maximise convenience and support the local economy. In an ideal scenario an area would contain everything locals need, from shops to a gym. It would mean they spend more locally.
Developments like this can also have environmental benefits. Allowing a combination of land uses in an area can save other sites, especially those with a sensitive nature. It can be much better for the natural world.
Do you have ideas for commercial architecture?
Coffey Architects is a company that always looks for creative solutions for developments. A good design can lead to really successful sites. It can give the projects far more sustainability. This is even more likely if you design to suit different stakeholders.
So, if you have an idea for a project and would like some help, you can speak to us. You can also learn more about the commercial architecture and other projects we have created on our website. There are plenty of great images of each one.